with Amy Zoe Schonhoff
This Fall Amy's mindfulness classes are back some in person some in zoom.
If you are looking for improving your stress level and slow down your mind... mindfulness techniques are definitely good tools to teach you how to manage your stress and anxiety.
Amy’s personal mindfulness practice spans over twenty-five years and began in her undergraduate days as a psychology major at the University of Iowa—Go Hawkeyes!
She is a qualified teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction through UMass Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness and Brown University’s Center for Mindfulness—two of the most respected secular mindfulness teacher-training programs in the world. She is also a trained Mindfulness Educator for K-12 through Mindful Schools.
Mindfulness is an integrative, mind-body approach to living that assists us in relating to our experiences with greater serenity and clarity. It involves paying attention to the present moment in a way that can increase awareness and effectively mobilize our own inner resources to cope, heal & grow.
We all have an inherent desire to be seen, heard and understood. Communication is the primary vehicle by which we attempt to share our beliefs, perceptions, inner experience and get our needs met.
Mindfulness-based Retreats include meditation instruction, guided meditation and movement practices, mindful eating, as well as, sessions of contemplation and teachings to cultivate greater understanding of the practices and underlying principles of mindfulness.
Starts Tue 9/29 @6:30 p.m. Starts Mon 10/12 @7 p.m. Sunday 12/20 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
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